Friday, June 12, 2009


One fine sunny day, Anna was sitting in a comfy swing chair on the terrace, knitting a sky blue sweater for her little son. As she sighed and looked into the sky, she felt a presence near her.
There he is, a death angel (also known as grim reaper) was standing next to her. He held a big scythe and wore a long black cloak that covering all his body. Anna couldn't speak at the moment, she only stared shock at him.
"What do you want?" Anna asked in depressed tone, trying hard to speak.
"I come to pick you up," the death angel replied with his hard, creepy voice.
"But why? I'm not going to die today!" Shouted Anna.
The death angel smirked. "Are you sure?"
"Yes! I still have so many things to do. My family needs me. I also wanna see my son grow up as well. I won't die yet.." Anna started to cry.
"But it shown in my schedule that you, Anna Summerstone, gonna die by today," said the death angel.
"No, maybe I'm not Anna Summerstone you were looking for,"
The death angel shook his head. "Nope, I've checked the data several times and yeah it's you,"
Anna breathed deep. "If that so.. May we do some bargain?"

A months later
Now Anna feels relieved.
The death angel now have a new clothes, sky blue colored.
The death angel now won't come for awhile, maybe someday, a half century later.
And Anna should buy some new wools to knit his son a new sweater.


Melati Pratiwi said...

waaaw! keereenn ceritanya. haha..kreatif deh. jadi intinya, tu death angel minta sweater nyaa kan? hehe..
anyway, baru pertama kali nih kesini.. i'll be back :)

Cessi said...

hehe, makasih makasiiih :D
iyak, betul.. sip, ditunggu lagi ya kedatangannya :p

L U N A said...

Nice! Hahaha

Cessi said...

heee thanks lun!