Saturday, December 5, 2009

First Saturday Night on December, Not Really Special

Today used to be my 4th monthsarry with him.
And I do have some plans.

Today I'm supposed to give him a little handmade surprise, having a date with him at a well-known mall, watching movie, doing what a pair of lovers supposed to do on their saturday night.
But the fact is, my plans all in vain.
He has some works to do and so we have to cancel our appointment.
Last week, I told him that I've booked his next weekend (which means today), so we could have a night out.
Finally I ended up being a good girl by just staying at home on weekend.
The radio won't stop playing some emotional love tunes. (the worse is when I writing this post, the song called Kecewa by Bunga Citra Lestari played on @TraxFMJkt!! Yah kewl that's what am feeling right now -____-)
And those tweeples won't stop tweeting about things I'm not keen on.
Meanwhile, my brother -whom I really missed- went to Bandung with his friends to attend one of his friend's wedding. And probably he will be back on Sunday. Then, on Sunday afternoon he will take off to Batam, where he lives for now.
My sister? Don't even ask, she's always out on weekend. For the sake of her singing career.
And my parent, they're much more boring. There's no sign they will take me somewhere out on this same, plain Saturday.

Guess I'll have some me-time in my room.

Have a great weekend, peoples.

Update: at 10 PM, my cellphone received a new message from my boyfie and it said:
"Happy 4th monthsarry.sorry baru kasih selamat hehe"


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